Even more rain here. It poured here for a couple of hours last night. At least we only lost the TV for a short time. And miracle of miracles the lights didn’t go out. Really expected them to. Today is down right cool. No AC or fans needed. And for the next week temps should stay at 85 or lower. My kind of weather!
Everything is so green now. And all the flowers in the woods are blooming their little hearts out. And so are our flowers and new plants. Guess they all made it through the drought thank goodness. Got to remember to go out and spray the stinky stuff so the deer leave the plants alone. They are trying to come back from their last munching – the plants that is.
Bill was down at the mechanics again this morning checking out all the bling that is being put on Billy the Ram. I’m not sure that he should go there and let Willie watch what is going on. But we did have the graphics on the side of Willie repaired so he now looks really spiffy too. Hope that satisfies him for a while.
Had to go into town a couple of times. Visiting, eating and shopping. Exciting life. Did have to buy a new shredder as our not so old one gave up the ghost. Guess cheapest isn’t always best idea.
Going down to the sewing room later and work some more on my quilt. Need to do the actual quilting and add a label then it will be done. And I’ll have to start a new project. Though come to think about it I have two quilts already started and stuck away. Should finish one of them I guess. Also have a necklace I’m working on. And a pattern for a stained glass Koi fish cut out. It should be pretty when done.
Watched the Nationwide race – between outages of the TV. Not to bad. Wondering if tonight’s Cup race will be rained out. Hope not. My driver #18 will know by the end of the race if he made the Chase or not. Probably will come down to the very last lap. My fingers are crossed for him.
7 hours ago
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