Not much exciting going on around here - unless it's the lovely weather. We had drizzles for a couple of days - but because that brought cooler weather I loved it. Today was beautiful - low 70s, bright blue sky with puffy white clouds.
We are having problems with the darn racoons. They are bold enough to come up on the deck in the middle of the day! When I yell at them they leisurely climb over the rail switching their tail at me. Bill got so disgusted with them he even started talking about getting a dog! NOT!
Maybe we can borrow a friends dog for a few days.
We finished setting up the booth at the Antique Mall so now we are waiting for the sales to begin........
Thinking about putting some of the jewelry I've made over the years over there too. But then we have to get a locking case for it. But in anticipation of doing that I've completely revamped my jewelry web site - giving all the items a number so they will be easier to tag - if and when we put them over there. Also found lots of errors on the web pages so guess it was a good thing I redid them. I've started on a new necklace. Was working on it Sunday while watching the NASCAR race. Had about 1/4 of it done when I saw a mistake right near the begining. UGH.... Now that I'm thinking about really selling the stuff they can't have any mistakes I know about in them. That almost makes it a JOB. So ripped it all out and am almost back to where I was.
While walking around the Antique Mall I saw a lot of stuff for sale that I've thrown away in the past. And a lot of stuff that we have just sitting around the house not used. Like zillions of little different salt and pepper shakers and china and dishes and just stuff.....Hummmmm...
Picked my quilt up from the show Sunday afternoon. Kind of neat to have it there for people to admire. Guess that sounds a little vain - but I enjoyed it. Didn't win any prizes but didn't expect to. Glad to have it back on the bed.
Bill has been teaching one of our friends how to do the wood spirits with the leather around them. He is getting pretty good at it. And B has been working on the leather flowers for pins and necklaces. Has a bunch of them almost finished.
He has run out of one of the colors of the dyes he uses and hasn't been able to find any here in the US - so every few minutes I hear "We have to go back to Mexico to get the dye." Long ways to go to get dye. I'm wondering how Rit dye would work? It used to do a good job of dying clothes. One of my aunts even mixed some up and dyed her living room rug (on her hands and knees yet) with it. Looked pretty good. Looked for some at Wal*Mart today but couldn't find any. Guess we'll have to look on the web for it. Is it still made?
Going to try to remember to watch Design Star on TV tonight - second night of new season. I like to see what they come up with. And tomorrow night is Tony Stewart's Prelude to the Dream dirt race. It is fun to watch. Danica Patrick is going to race in it this year. Some year I'd like to go see it - it's not far from here.
Well back to putting more Wood Spirits on the web pages. Feel like my butt is glued to the chair. Oh crap!!! Bill is looking at his web pages and just found two does that happen????? Evil spirits in the Cloud.
Rant V6.0
8 hours ago
Strange how the raccoons are coming right up to your house. I can't believe your quilt didn't win something--it's so beautiful.