No more rain just warm weather. Very warm weather again. Very
lazy days. Day before yesterday Bill and I took a walk up the beach – we could
see this smoke in the sky seemed to be a long way away. Kind of looked like a
mushroom cloud…..
Looks like a couple of lovers were here too. 
The different patterns the water leaves in the sand fascinate me – could take lots and lots of pictures of them.
And of course the requisite sunset picture.
Yesterday we took a ride to a little bigger town not far from here – VillaHidalgo
– to see if they had a bigger grocery store (still looking for zip lock bags.)
I thought I’d seen one when we came through there on our way to El Chaco –
On the way there we passed one of many lagoons around here.
This one was full of Garzas – They are so pretty. Yesterday we took a ride to a little bigger town not far from here – Villa
Also a few spoonbills.
As we got closer toHidalgo
we saw where all the smoke was coming from. The cane fields had been harvested
and were now being burned off.
Didn’t find any grocery store so we just had a pleasant ride through the countryside. Once back in San Blas we drove out to the harbor to see if they still had the boats that take tourists out into the ocean by the rock that looks like the face of Christ. When our friend gets here in a few days that is one of the things we hope to do. Really looking forward to him coming. We think he will be surprised by the area.
This morning (yesterday actually - Saturday) we went to the tiangas in San Blas. I remembered from last year that they sold some yarn there. Well we found the right vendor and they did have yarn but no needles. After reading theBlossom
Street series of books I’ve got a bug to learn to
knit. Probably by the time I find everything I need I won’t be interested any
more. But that’s okay I sure don’t need any more hobbies.
As we got closer to
Didn’t find any grocery store so we just had a pleasant ride through the countryside. Once back in San Blas we drove out to the harbor to see if they still had the boats that take tourists out into the ocean by the rock that looks like the face of Christ. When our friend gets here in a few days that is one of the things we hope to do. Really looking forward to him coming. We think he will be surprised by the area.
This morning (yesterday actually - Saturday) we went to the tiangas in San Blas. I remembered from last year that they sold some yarn there. Well we found the right vendor and they did have yarn but no needles. After reading the
Lots of clothes, produce and “stuff “ for sale and we did
find tropical fish and little birds too.
No we didn’t buy any.
No we didn’t buy any.
And a little boy who just got a jar of bubbles. He was
having a good time.
We looked a lot but didn’t buy anything .After leaving the tiangas we went into Aticama so I could get my hair cut. The girl remembered us from the one time I went to her last year. Guess she doesn’t get many gringo women who want their hair cut “like a boys.”
We looked a lot but didn’t buy anything .After leaving the tiangas we went into Aticama so I could get my hair cut. The girl remembered us from the one time I went to her last year. Guess she doesn’t get many gringo women who want their hair cut “like a boys.”
The last two nights we have gone out to dinner at
Both night delicious meals. Friday we had salad, freshly made bread, chicken piccatta, asparagus and potatoes. Saturday night antipasto, bread, chicken parmesan, pasta and vegetable.
It is a fairly new restaurant in the Los Cocos area just south of Aticama. The cook used to work at the San Blas Social Club in San Blas. He now owns this restaurant.
This morning we went into Aticama to the tiangas at the Cultural Center. I wanted to get a t-shirt from the people who sell the coffee. Got it and also bought a beaded bracelet - going to try to learn how to make one like it. And we borrowed a couple of English paper backs from the library there. Also met a couple more gringos who now live here in Aticama.
Both night delicious meals. Friday we had salad, freshly made bread, chicken piccatta, asparagus and potatoes. Saturday night antipasto, bread, chicken parmesan, pasta and vegetable.
It is a fairly new restaurant in the Los Cocos area just south of Aticama. The cook used to work at the San Blas Social Club in San Blas. He now owns this restaurant.
This morning we went into Aticama to the tiangas at the Cultural Center. I wanted to get a t-shirt from the people who sell the coffee. Got it and also bought a beaded bracelet - going to try to learn how to make one like it. And we borrowed a couple of English paper backs from the library there. Also met a couple more gringos who now live here in Aticama.
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