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Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Tale of a Whale

Not long after we got here in Mazatlan we noticed something being worked on in our favorite parking lot at the corner of Calle Escobedo and Carnaval. At first I thought it might be a bird with its wing spread and a long tail. Then we were told it was a whale’s tail. Okay, I guess it did look like one.
We kept watching it but nothing more got done on it. Finally Bill asked and was told the artist was raising the money needed to finish it.
Finally one evening there was more finished on it. And the artist was there working on it.

Thursday evening while watching the Mazatlan news on TV guess who and what we saw. The Whale Tail and the Artist. Why is it news? Because it is the only sculpture of a Blue Whale’s Tail.. And he plans on covering it with a blue ceramic of some sort. Okay

When we were there yesterday nothing more was done. Waiting for more funds maybe.
Sowe will continue to check on it and post updates. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carol,

    I got in a little over 7000 steps too. You must be my step sister. :)


