A new sign going into town. We saw a lot of changes in the area.
One of the buses. They are all old school buses. Some more decorative than others. And some are still school bus yellow.
I have added a couple of links from old blogs so everyone can appreciate the changes that have happened.
Yavaros in 2009 just a sleepy little fishing village then. With lots of privately owned fishing boats on the pier. And several old wrecks in the harbor.
Yavaros 2011 Salvage Operation By 2011 there was a salvage operation going on to get rid of all the sunken boats from a hurricane. It was interesting to watch. (There are 2 parts to this blog)
So we were wondering what has been going on in the years we haven't been here. Turns out a lot - both good and not so good.
A few of the small fisherman boats. Not near as many as in previous years.
At the end of the wharf are THE COMPANY fishing boats. Big and modern. There were three or four of them. The company buildings. Shrimp and fish cannery. It has grown and become more up to date.
Only a few of the old smaller ocean going boats are left. The whole wharf used to be full of them - nose to tail and side by side.
I don't know if these still go out or not. By looking at them one wouldn't think so.
A couple big guys were taking nets off the outer ship and loading them in the pickup. Never realized nets could be so heavy. They were really struggling with them to get them in the pickup.
This one was parked at the end of the wharf. It looks in better shape then the rest. There was another boat docked next to it on the ocean side facing the other way. There were people on it.
A look at its deck and all the stuff on it.

Another look at a couple of the ships.
This rigging and nets are from the ship on the ocean side of the other boat at the end of the wharf. Sure looks complicated.
This are is where all the sunken ships were the first time we visited here. The little shack is still there.
Just below the arrow we could barely make out part of one ship that couldn't be brought up. They tried and tried but guess finally gave up on it.
Another look at the little shack. I sat next to it when we were watching the salvage operation. Behind it is a new building. I think someone told us it was for the harbor master. The concrete block wall is new too. It all used to be an open field where the workers from the factory played soccer during their lunch break. Driving down along the shore side of the harbor. I'm surprised this little boat didn't sink with all the pelican weight on it. They were lined up on both sides of the boat and down the middle.
Some of the smaller pangas tied up.
Heading the two blocks back from the harbor into town. All the streets in Yavaros are dirt. It is a really small town.
The main street of town. Looking back at the plaza on the left. Just a few of the stores. I saw a couple of gaming stores.
A nice green home.
It is always laundry day.
The entrance from the ocean on the north side of town. Lots of little pangas there. The guy on the motorcycle is selling something from the cooler on the back of it. He uses a whoop whoop sounding whistle to attract customers. Sounds like a police car.
Clever use for old soccer balls. Cut the top off and use them as planters.
A couple of the pangas. The one without all the birds just came in. The fishermen are getting ready to set up under the palapa to clean and sell their catch.

There is a lot of construction going on in this area. From the looks of the sign they are building a boat ramp.

Between the construction and the main road are some more pangas. The fishermen are cleaning their catch and getting ready to sell it.
Attracting a lot of hungry birds. As we were leaving Yavaros we spotted this classy couple
After we got home I took a short walk on the beach - got in 5100 steps yesterday, the first in a long time. Because the wind was blowing the sand so bad I didn't walk as far as I'd hope to.
Later on we went into town for tortillas and watched a nice sunset.
Also cooked dinner again last night.
We've been visiting some of the small villages around here and watching the fishermen fish in the Estuary. Next blog.
Awesome sunset photo
ReplyDeleteThank you - hard to go wrong there if there are any clouds in the sky.