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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Remembering Jeni.

We went on a treasure hunt the other day. The treasure? Vacuum bags for my old Kenmore vacuum. No one sells vacuum bags any more. Cause most vacuums don’t use them. Finally went to Sears and thank goodness they had some. It is an old tank vacuum that I really like - top of the line in its day. Not so much anymore.
Just wanted to share this. Our daughter-in-law Jeni who passed away four years ago made this beautiful mobile for us. It is made out of pieces of junk and thin copper. She was so artistic.
 It is hanging above my bead table in the "little" room. 
One of our sons did the top clown. My Mom painted the three smaller clowns.
She also made this for us for one Christmas. It is woven strips of thin copper.
Our weather has taken a turn for the cooler in fact tonight it is supposed to go as low as 67. And we’ve had some sprinkles which have brought us beautiful skies. Will post some pictures tomorrow. But I did post one on the header. I didn't touch up the picture at all. 


  1. What a beautiful artist she was. You were blessed to have her for a daughter-in-law
