Wednesday was kind of a Murphy’s Law day for us. To set it up – Tuesday afternoon late we were in Columbus and stopped in our favorite restaurant for an early dinner. About half way home I looked over at Bill driving and wondered why he looked so different. Hum? “Where’s your hat?” “Crap! [I cleaned that up a little] I left it at the restaurant.” So when we got home we called them and they knew it was his and it would be at the register next time we came in.
So Wednesday morning we went into town, stopped at the restaurant to pick up his hat and have breakfast. Mind you we eat there all the time and Bill likes the omelets only when Char the very experienced cook is making them. So first he asked if Char was there. Nope it was her day off so he wanted a little time to decide what he would have instead. Waitress said Okay she’d be back for our order in a couple of minutes. Well a couple of minutes stretched on and on…….I think she completely forgot us ‘cause she went on her break. 40 minutes later we left – no breakfast but we did have the hat.
Then on up the road to the RV storage place. Bill wants to do some work in the small RV, Jennie. Just some minor things that need fixing. We’d called and said we’d be there to pick her up so the staff had given her a jump (after sitting there for over a year she needed one.)
Got interrupted the other day so back again now. Back to Jennie. Bill jumped in her and started down the road when he noticed she needed gas. Pulled into the first station he came to – about a mile away and gassed her up. Got back in turned the key – NOTHING – not even a click click. And of course the jumper cables we always carry in the jeep were at home in the garage. The gas station didn’t have any either so he drove the jeep back to the RV place and came back with a pair. Still nothing. Back to the RV place for a bigger? better? set of cables and a big honking pick up. Now she started. Also for some reason the brakes got hot in that little bitty drive. So back to the RV place Jennie went. Will know more next week. Busy all day and didn’t get anything done.
So where are we now – well Bill has bought a pick up truck. Used. A Dodge Ram 4 x 4. Cleaning and fixing it up will give him something to do. He wants something to use around here to run around and haul things(?) in. Doesn’t want to put so many miles on the jeep, rather keep it for traveling.
We did get a real nice rain storm one evening. Lots of steady rain hardly any thunder or lightening. Already the grass is green again. And weather is perfect – in the mid to high 70s. Wish it would stay like this the rest of the year.
Today and tomorrow are racing and new season soccer games watching. Good thing we have separate TVs. Truck and Nationwide race today, Cup race tomorrow. And two soccer games tomorrow.
Arrived in Melaque, Mexico
11 hours ago
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