Yesterday was a beautiful day - clear blue sky and nippy temperatures in the a.m. So Bill and I decided to take a short walk in The Wetlands - the protected area behind our house. As part of owning a home here we received a key to the gate leading into the wetlands. The area has lots of walking and bicycle trails. We live about where the arrow is. The Wetlands is much bigger than this picture shows. It continues on both up and down.
Just inside the gate. Our house has the palm tree.
Looking down the bicycle/walking path. There are several dirt/gravel trails that lead off of this.
There is a nice paved area with things to do - this climbing wall is bigger than it looks. The area around it is made of rubber. Feels funny to walk on.
A very green part of the Wetlands.
A BIG snake crawling across the park area. He is about 2 1/2 feet thick.
His face at the other end.
Continuing on down the trail. There is the Alfa.
A creek with quite a bit of flowing water in it.
Just looking out across the landscape. We met a man on the trail who said he saw a pack of five coyotes one day while hiking. Probably the ones we hear all the time in the evening.
Back towards the play area - the one on the right is a chipmunk? the other on the left is a frog. Good for kids to play on. The whole area was very very clean.
And then we headed home. Next time we will walk further/farther.
I continue to feel better with each passing day - getting my energy back.
Been looking on line for a really good homemade chicken noodle soup recipe. Sounds good to make with the cooler weather. Got the soup started - I hope it tastes as good as it is smelling.
Bill is watching soccer - it still seems strange for it to be on so early in the day. And at 11:00 the NASCAR race begins. Only two more after this one.
Moving on to the Primavera Biosphere Reserve
10 hours ago
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