Loving it! Two cool days in a row. But by Sunday it is supposed to be 94 with high humidity. They are worried about all the people going to watch the Indy 500 because of the heat. Don’t think I’d want to be in the stands.
Weirdest thing Sunday. Bill was outside watering the flowers when a couple of ladies drove by. They stopped to talk to him and next thing I knew we were giving them a tour of the house. Seems like one of them looked at the house to buy before we did and she was dying to see all the changes we’ve made to it. Very nice people. That happens a lot here. People just driving by then stopping to talk to us. Get to know a lot of people that way.
On Sunday Bill took my car – the convertible out of the garage and washed it and we took a ride into town. I really like that car and forget how much I like it when it sits under cover for so long. I need to do more driving. To celebrate Bill’s one year since heart attack we had McDonalds for lunch – we know - not good for him, but once in a while doesn’t hurt. He is really feeling so much better the last couple of months. Good to see him so busy with the planting and watering and hobbies. Even his leg doesn’t bother him that often any more.
Tomorrow we are supposed to get a couple of big trees cut down. They are poplars – Tulip trees – and they are the messiest trees I’ve ever seen. If you stand under them it feels like it is raining on you. They are right next to the driveway where we park and the sap is ruining the paint on the cars. The sap has already changed the color of the new gravel we just put down.
B spent most of yesterday dying leather for his projects – put a video of him doing it on http://www.fantasymanorartstudio.com/aboutus.php
Looks like he plans on being busy.
I forgot the camera would pick up the sound of the washer and dryer – so it sounds a little weird. Also posted it to the Fantasy Manor facebook page. Doing everything I can to get traffic to the web site. That’s a full time job. Posted a couple of pictures of our great grand daughters on my facebook page too. So cute – and one is almost one year old already!
The darn raccoons are getting up on the outside deck and draining the hummingbird feeders. Told them the other day they better stop or we’ll use their tails to decorate the Wood Spirits!
Knock, knock, knock... by the police this time
2 hours ago
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