Saturday a.m.
For some reason I thought today was Sunday and yesterday Saturday – Guess we did so much work around here during the week it just seemed to be a day later – or maybe it’s just that I’m getting old. No! I know what it was – the NASCAR races were on the wrong days. Usually the Nationwide race is Saturday and it was on last night. Yeh! That’s why I’m sooo confused. Good race last night and the Cup race is tonight. Doesn't take much does it?
Finally got my stained glass finished and hanging in the door. The butterfly and a heart with flowers. The new ones
A sunflower and another butterfly (these I have had)
And this one I really like the way it turned out. It is 3-d – a flower with a butterfly sitting on it.
Been into town several times this week – seemed like by the time we got home we remembered something else we needed! Got the front of the house done! All the new gravel in the driveway and the planters done. This is before - mulch and dead roses.
And this is now – quite a difference. Bill made the square wooden planters and the rest are colorful pots and as a whimsy our Morel mushrooms – can’t ever find any real ones so what the heck.
We’ve had weather from high 30s at night to mid 80s during the day. Winds and lots of heavy rain with seems like hours of thunder. Got to love Indiana weather. Today it is beautiful – mid 70s and no rain until maybe tomorrow night. The strawberries are blooming and starting to get berries.
We have some beautiful iris type flowers blooming in the pond. Sure wish they would last longer than they do.
Also pond is full of zillions of pollywogs. All that croaking we’ve been hearing out there must have been romance in the air.
I have the rest of the border for my quilts and the batting and the backing material. They are sure going to be colorful.
Before I forget we heard an expression the other day I’ve never heard before. We were talking to a guy about him needing a new car but he wouldn’t be getting one soon. According to him “I can’t afford yesterday’s ice water right now.” Kind of puts it all in perspective. More “down home” stuff. There was an article in our little paper about the joys of living in Brown County. It was funny….Going to quote part of it. “We have boil water warnings and power outages more often than many residents change socks. We like to think of these hurdles as opportunities for being creative. We do business our own way too. Many merchants just close their shops in the winter for a couple of months, or for a couple of day each week, or whatever they deem most beneficial to their livehood. Do you need permits for construction? ‘Not if you can get the work done between sunrise and sunset.’” The article ended “This isn’t the United States. It’s Brown County.”
We do live in a different place.
I have the new rechargeable batteries for my camera – have them charging now. Wonder how long they will last when I go into take a picture of everything mode. Speaking of – I almost always carry the camera with me – even if we’re just going into town. Well last weekend I didn’t – left it home. And coming home I sure wished I’d had it. We had forgotten that it was Spring Blossom weekend and that there was a parade scheduled. We discovered that when you live in a town with only two streets you can’t go anywhere during the parade. So there we were stopped at a corner watching the parade go by and me without my camera. Lots of kids walking by, the high school marching band (pretty good), wagons and tractors and some horses. Everyone was having lots of fun.
I’ve continued to work diligently on Bill’s web pages. Trying to get them to come up somewhere near the front in searches. Learned a lot more about “optimizing” pages then I ever wanted to know. And the companies that do it for you want mega bucks to do it.
BUT!!!! Maybe some of it is working because I actually managed to sell one of the necklaces off the jewelry pages! – One sale a year – that must be some kind of record.
This is another suncatcher I did – I’ve done a bunch of them. They are made in pieces so they twist and turn in the breeze.
Enough for now. Want to do some work on the quilt. And maybe get busy and clean the collection of shot glasses we have downstairs on the mantle above the big fireplace. Maybe.......
Knock, knock, knock... by the police this time
2 hours ago
Your stained glass is just beautiful. You are really creative and I can't wait to see a picture of the quilt.