Just random things to write about today. This is a necklace I'm working on. It is all pieces that will eventually be looped together. It's not difficult, but get boring after making a couple of the pieces, so it is taking me a while to get it done.
Some of the pieces, need a lot more.
When we shipped the stained glass pieces here from Indiana we put them in these wood crates. I've been wondering what to do with the crates as "they are too good to throw out!" Isn't everything? So when I was sitting on the patio I didn't have anyplace to set my coffee cup - AHA - so I had Bill drag one out of the shed. Works fine. I intend to paint it and spruce it up a little - maybe - in the future. But till then I have a little table. We just picked the pine cones out of the yard - again too neat to throw away. [now you know why we had so much stuff to ship]

I've mentioned that I tend to get up early - way too early - so I have lots of sunrise pictures. Every day it is different. These following pictures were from three different days.
Speaking of the desert - last night was a full moon - beautiful - but didn't take any pictures as I forgot about it until it was up. I only remembered then because of the commotion going on outside. The coyotes were going crazy - lots of them yipping and howling out there. Because of the moon???? We were inside with the TV on and could hear them.
I cooked an oven roast and potatoes and carrots the other night - seems like the adjustment we made to the oven is working out okay. It's with in about 10 degrees now. I can live with that.
Bill is taking such good care of me it is driving me nuts - he won't let me do anything that will put any strain on me. Not even make the bed. Well on second thought that's okay. Makes me feel useless and crabby. Poor guy even when he's right he is wrong.
We need to get out of here and do something.
I feel your frustration!
ReplyDeleteI think your body clock is still on Indiana time!
ReplyDeleteI'm really going to be in trouble when the time changes.