Talk about efficient! On Tuesday I contacted the Las Vegas, NV county clerk for a copy of our marriage license. I got it yesterday (Saturday.)
And another change of plans. We are going to take the Class C RV, Jennie, to Mexico this year. We plan – Ha ha – or maybe I should say hope to move around and go to some of the smaller towns we’ve not gone to in the last couple of years. And Jennie is just easier to drive and takes a whole lot less electricity to run the AC etc. In some of the small towns with the little old campgrounds like in El Fuerte we’re lucky to get 15amps. So on Tuesday we’ll go pick her up. Right now the RV doc is checking her over and dewinterizering her getting her ready. So then for a few days we’ll have both of them here at the house. Be switching stuff from the Alfa to Jennie and it is easier to do with them close together. Just hope we don’t forget anything. Oh well there is always Wal*Mart.
The TV change out in the Alfa is almost done. Just need to do some connecting of devices and stain the new frame. Looks good. Will take picture when it is done. Then we’ll take him to storage and winterize him.
As for when we’re leaving – still around 1st of Nov I guess. But sure wish it would warm up around here for a while. Going down to 32 tonight. And might get some sleet tomorrow morning. Anyways this month will be busy getting all our ducks in a row for travel. Switching things from one Rv to the other. Leaving the house semi clean – as always our friend will be staying here during the winter but he doesn’t use all the rooms. Putting projects away until next year. Making copies of all the paper work we need to cross the border and getting the maps out. Making sure all the bills are set up to be paid etc etc…..
This afternoon – at the same time 1:00 – is a must see soccer game – The El Classico between Barcelona and Real de Madrid AND the Talladega NASCAR race. Two TV time for sure. But think I’ll spend most of my time watching the soccer game and just checking the race once in a while. Until the last ten laps even the truck race there last night was boring. Talk about long lines of cars riding around in circles.
1 hour ago
Well Carol, the chill is certainly moving in and the colors around my area are getting beautiful as well..but me bones are rattling..LOL Can't wait to follow your travels again.. as for us once Ms Reba's sutures are out..Color us gone South...Safe travels to you and the "Driver"..
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