A warmer morning. But a storm is on it’s way. Wind is blowing and sky is gray. It doesn’t get light here until almost 8 a.m. so with the storm just west of us it is really dark out. Supposed to have two separate rain “events” today. The one coming and another one later in the afternoon. Then more cold weather.
We took the Alfa back to storage. Bringing it to the house or taking it some where else is always a nervous time for me. Doesn’t seem to bother Bill though. We do have some narrow streets around here, especially the ones by us. Our road is really narrow with lots of trees.
Then on to the next kind of major street – it’s not very wide either. Glad he just met a car and not one of the logging trucks that have been around lately.
Going through our little town. We went early before all the tourists got out and about.
So Alfie will be getting winterized and parked until next spring sometime.
Jennie is now front and center out front of the house.
Have done a lot of putting stuff in her already. Mostly now it is just everyday stuff and food. That won’t take long when we decide we are ready to go.
Did some “before we leave” house cleaning yesterday and watched the race last night. The races are so boring lately – just a single line of cars going round and round. Hope the new car next years stops some of that.
Going to work on a couple of my stained glass angels later today. They are fun to make and I want to give them to a couple of friends.
A picture looking out towards the north from the back of the house.
1 hour ago
It won't be long until you are on the road again. Can't wait to read about your winter.