Word is still skipping lines between paragraphs – maddening – can’t fix it. Computers have a mind of their own I guess. So will just have to live with it until it decided to behave.
We went to the guy who did the graphics on the truck [Signs by Ron in Columbus, IN] and had him make us a map of South America so we could add it to the one of North America on the back of Jennie. All the places we have traveled in an RV. We should really draw a highway through the countries – maybe paint a line or something showing which ones we went through. All but five (the green ones) in South America and one in Central America.
Bill’s been working inside of Jennie on storage spaces and decorations. He built a book case to go above one of the windows in the bedroom. Holds a lot of books.
Then he built a platform with partitioning and carpet (noise reducer) for under one of the dinette seats.
Put up some decoration.
AAGGHH – now it is spacing right – make a liar out of me. Nice computer!
I remade some covers for the arms of the recliner. Just a dish towel cut in half, hemmed and Velcro to keep it together.
The cover of the passenger seat with remote holder spaces. Keeps the upholstery clean.
Kind of glad we decided to take Jennie instead of the Alfa – the difference between gas and diesel, at least here is almost 70 cents! That’s crazy. Both RVs get around the same mileage but the price difference is a lot especially for a long trip. [Glad we aren’t in California.]
We are leaving here later this year than last, by this date last year we were already almost through Texas and about to run into snow. Here today it is rainy and in low 50s, by Monday it is supposed to be in low 80s – got to love Indiana weather.
This year has been the prettiest we’ve seen since being here with the colors on the trees and they seem to be lasting longer too. Lots and lots of reds and vivid oranges and bright yellows. Nature is wonderful. And we get to live here and enjoy it. Riding down the roads is like driving through a Disney movie.
So far in moving things and packing we have lost two things, a pair of Bill’s sunglasses and the plug for the walkie talkies. Hope we find them.
1 hour ago
You have both of your RVs rigged out so nicely. I hope the weather holds until you can leave. Your travel maps are the most impressive I have ever seen.