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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Some videos and pictures from the Plazuela Machado

Friday we had errands to run, making use of the car before the mechanic gets the parts and takes it. We picked up Doug and Nancy and first thing dropped off our laundry then went to Soriana, the big grocery store for some shopping. On the way home we took them by the Convention Center to show them the great mural that is there. I’ve posted about it before so only took an information photo
And a photo of the entire mural. It is an amazing piece of work.
While at the store we got some apples for the birds. Bill had no sooner put them out and the birds came.

 Don't know what type of birds the ones above are.
Then that night we went to Plazuela Machado for dinner with Doug and Nancy. They hadn’t been there at night.
Bill talking to the Huicholi vendor. Notice Bill has on a long sleeve shirt. We thought it might be cold there – but it much warmer then here at the RV park. 
Even Bill took off his long sleeves and sat in a T-shirt. Also we like to listen to our friend Rafael Rodriguez sing and play. Here he is talking to Bill.
Getting ready for his performance.
We had dinner at Beach Burger. Three of us had a fish dinner and Bill had his favorite Italian Chicken Salad.  The meals were good.
There were quite a few people there eating, dancing and walking around. This couple brought their dogs as they danced.
More dancers

The break dancers

More dancers.

I think I’ve taken a picture of the sculpture in progress in the parking lot. A whale’s tail. The artist was actually working on it when we went to pick up the car. Wonder what he plans to do with it when it is finished.  
Yesterday, Saturday, we were going to go to El Quelite but the Jeep’s bad part was really acting up so we came home. Ate breakfast at then new little restaurant again. I just noticed that under the tables are hooks to hand purses on. How clever.
Did go to pick up our laundry and go to TelCel to replenish our GBs. Of the 3GBs we had bought we had used 2.96. So thought while we had the car and were in the area of the TelCel Service Center we’d buy 3 more gigabits and not worry about when we’d run out. That turned out to be a project. Come to find out you can’t buy and activate any GBs unless your balance is 0 [zero]. According to their records we had 546 megabits left. So they couldn’t add more…We knew that if we bought more we’d lose the little we had left but we were willing to do that to make sure we didn’t run out while the car was in for repair. OMG – The poor girl helping us was trying to explain that we could purchase the GBs and then activate them when we ran out. Only problem is for us to activate them we would have to have a TelCel phone – and we don’t. Finally she took the MiFi to the technical guys – who figured out how to get rid of our 546 MBs so we could add the new 3GBs. So now we’re set for a while again. I don’t want to give the wrong impression of the people at the TelCel center – they are amazing at figuring out how to help us. It is the system that is weird. And we can only buy 3GBs at a time – no way to get more, just the way it is set up. Cost of 3GBs is US $21.
Ran across this tip jar – thought it was funny.
Later on we invited Doug and Nancy over and Bill made a stack of crepes with dulce de leche. 
Fireworks go off almost every night here - from the hotels across the road. Managed to just catch a red one. 
And the full moon coming up behind the palm trees. 
This morning we went to the Torres restaurant for breakfast. Some big waves out there and nice saxophone music.


  1. LOVE your header shot. Cute tip jar. Why can't you put your money on Telcel like I do ( Pinzoo.com ) and then go to miTecel to activate it when you are ready. Heck you are way more of a techie than I am.

    The orange birds are orioles. We have three types here and I feed them juice oranges.

    1. Don't know about the TelCel - will have to check into it. Rafael has changed days for playing in Machado. He now plays on Sunday night.

  2. I agree with Contessa. Your header pic looking at multi-colored houses is fabulous. Especially good because of the perspective!



  3. ...and it was a lovely day and evening spent with our new friends! Thank you both so much for so many great memories!!

  4. Notice the streaks on the back... They are Streak-backed Orioles. Nice to see the Blacked-throated Magpie Jays as well.

  5. All are excellent pictures , I like very much to go to the Plaza Machado especially when Rafael Rodriguez is playing and singing . I like to dance to his music , is special ... I'm your number one fan ( lol) .
    You are good friends Bill and Carol .
    A hug.
