Well we are in the midst of another heat wave. Supposed to be in the high 80s maybe 90 today and tomorrow. Indian Summer I guess. Still no rain. Just a very few short sprinkles in the last 100 days!
We have had a taste of winter though. Had to have the heat on for a couple of days. And the nights have been down into the 30s. Bill says it is time to get out of here. Personally I’m loving it. I’ve had more energy the last couple of cool weeks than I had all summer.
Finally, after three years, finished painting the laundry room and one long wall in the glass workshop. Looks SOOOOO much better. No more chipped and peeling paint and lots of different colors and just plain ick on the walls. At least I’m happy with it.

Bill got me a Nook for my birthday, early. Took a little bit getting used to holding it comfortably. Have discovered that hard cover books are cheaper and paperback are more expensive to buy as eBooks. I’ve only checked Barnes and Nobel so far. It’s mainly to use when we are in Mexico and I can’t find English books. Just need a wifi connection and I’ll be able to download them. Speaking of which – we will be taking Jennie north to Elkhart next week to get the satellite up and running – I hope.
Went over to visit the Alfa yesterday. It’s all covered up and settled in for winter.
Lots of color in the hills now. Took some pictures going into town yesterday. Every day it gets prettier and more and more tourists show up. A couple of pictures of the ground fog a couple of days ago.
Getting prettier and prettier
There is a horse standing there.
Corn field
Just an old shed
More horses
More pictures from the road into town.
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