After leaving Malpica the other day we continued on into
Concordia. (See map previous post.) First stopping at the “laundry ladys” just before town. There is a
natural hot springs
here and government has built basins with washing facilities for them to use.
There was only one lady doing laundry today. The buckets on
the ground are used like wash tubs. The clothes, hot water and soap go in them
and then the lady swishes them around with her foot.
There were several young men around the area. They looked
like they might be traveling – two vans and a truck camper. They were washing
their clothes and them selves.
Driving into Concordia.
Arriving at the church.
By the time we were parked and back at the church a band was
playing in front of it.
The 20th was San Sebastian Day – the town was
first called San Sebastian
– so there were lots of festivities going on. This is a contraption to shoot
off fireworks. Several men were in the process of putting it together.
Eventually it would stand straight up with the bamboo
framework holding the fireworks.
Walking through the Central Market we discovered the Post
Office and the mailman’s transportation.
And this little boy was patiently waiting for his parents to
close their store – watching cartoons on TV.
A colorful mural on a small museum.
Beautiful plant hanging over a wall.
As we circled back to the church Mass was just letting out.
It was Confirmation Day. Lots of children dressed all in white.
A little girl in her beautiful dress taking care of her
brother. Colorful plastic toys for sale.

Boys dressed all in white too.
Posing for pictures
The gazebo in the plaza across from the church
Looking down one of the side streets. Notice how high the
sidewalks are to protect the homes and businesses from flooding.
Then on home as the day was getting to hot to enjoy. It is
always much hotter inland than it is in Mazatlan .
The last couple of days we’ve roamed around the Centro
Historico on foot – looking at all the neat buildings there. I should quit complaining about the heat. We just talked to our neighbor at home and it is -3 degrees with snow on the ground there - in the middle of the afternoon!
Hey Bill & Carol, Love reading about your recent adventures....very interesting indeed. Hope all works out okway with your home back in the US. Colder here today as well. Wait need to check lottery tickets, maybe we can come back! LOL Have a fantastic day!