Just got the scoop on repairing Willie's transmission - parts are being express shipped and should be here tomorrow and he should be up and running by Thursday. A couple of "wheels" inside the transmission were destroyed and the metal from them would foul the sensors. It would take a while for the metal to get to the sensors after he sat for a while thats why he would be okay when we started out and get worse as miles went on. We're lucky he didn't just leave us in the middle of no where before this.
As for knitting I found a really good web site with easy to follow instructions - in case your interested it is - http://learntoknit.lionbrand.com so today I've been practicing casting on, knitting and purling. Finally did a bunch without any mistakes. Whoopie!
Also getting more sections of my necklace done - if we're without wheels long enough I should finish it.
Other than that nothing going on - sun is out so that is nice but it is still cooler than usual and windy.
George is still here at Las Jaibas and three more RVs have joined us here in the back. I'm glad we got to take George a few places before the Jeep went in.
Arrived in Quebec City
22 hours ago
I just found your blog while looking for some info on Malpica. We wintered in Las Vegas (our first snowbird year) and are now in Mazatlan for a couple of weeks. We are thinking this might be where we will come for 2013 winter. So I'll be following you!