Thursday a.m.
Need to wish The Driver “Happy Birthday” today – (yes I know his real birthday is in October) but eight weeks ago today his heart was reborn. There has been so much improvement in the last week. Leaps and bounds compared to the first six weeks. Yesterday was the first day of cardiac rehab. Seemed to pep him up some. Thank Goodness. Seems like he is hungry all the time now, forever nibbling on something. Needs to get some of his weight and muscle tone back.
Got a reality check the other day – went to refill some of his prescriptions and found out the insurance won’t pay for them any more if we get them from the pharmacy downtown. But will pay for them via mail order. When I asked how much they would be from the pharmacy – I almost had a heart attack – just one of them would be well over $200 a month! Sure glad the doctor was back from vacation so he could fax them to the mail order. In the meantime had to cage some samples from his office. Did that while Driver was in rehab as they are both in the same building.
Also while he was there I went over to the YMCA – in same building around the corner – small town you know – and found out about a class that is the same time as his rehab. Think I’ll start going next week. But this is the part that gets me it is called Silver Sneakers. The lady at the desk told me it was in session and did I want to peek in the door to see what they do. Peeked in and it was FULL of OLD people!….Sitting in chairs…..Exercising? When did this happen to me? Well guess it is better then sitting in a chair at home doing nothing.
This was on line the other day. AARP listing 10 best towns to retire to. Columbus is the little town where we always go to breakfast and to Wal*Mart. Kind of interesting. We’ve had ice cream at Zaharakos.
Weather is still terrible – in for another stretch of high 90s with heat index up to 115! Humidity at about 88-89! Cannot not go outside after about 10 a.m. Just walking to our mailbox box end up soaking wet. This month of July is on tap to break lots of records - no rain less than 1/2 inch all month, days over 90 and days over 100 and days with heat index over 105. Aren't we lucky. Supposed to cool down a little over the weekend days (sure hope so for the NASCAR drivers here for the Brickyard race) then right back up again next week. The crows sit out back with their mouths open –panting I guess – and their wings spread to cool off. Even the cicadas shut up during the worst of the heat.
The turkeys were out back this morning – it’s funny – when I go out they take off – the mothers run into the woods but the little ones actually fly into the woods. Any one remember WKRP Cincinnati the TV show years ago? The episode about “turkeys can’t fly. It was so funny.
It’s been so hot lately and The Drivers appetite so up and down that we’ve taken to eating a lot of frozen foods – I know, I know - they are high in sodium. But when he decides he is hungry at 7:30 p.m. they are easy to fix. Not TV dinners but stuff like lasagna, orange chicken with rice etc. Some are pretty good and you get the whole meal. As time passes we’ll get back to regular meals and meal times. Luckily he never had high blood pressure, a weight problem, high cholesterol or any other health problem – so doc says right now – eat whatever you want.
Enough for now. Nothing else going on and I need to feed the fish before it gets too hot to go outside.
Monday Mural
3 hours ago
Hey you two.. hope all is going well for you and please let us Sistah's know you are alright.. Thinking and praying for you both.. God Bless Zeee