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Monday, January 9, 2012

A couple of do nothing days

Monday p.m.
Yesterday we spent the day just relaxing, reading and watching TV. Bill cooked a delicious dinner of chicken filet with fried egg topped with caramelized onions and peppers. Also potatoes with butter and parsley. Also visited with Carol and John and George off and on all day. Talk about laid back.
There were a lot of people on the beach and lots and lots of traffic. Also a bunch of kids from a soccer team from Tepic. They were down here working out in the sand. I got tired just watching them. 
Just a few observations and pictures. We saw this guy on his bicycle the other day. Ingenious way to use CDs as reflectors.
These flowers were in a church. Beautiful - they are real - just grow wild along the road.
Taxi service - Looks like the whole team of something. Don't think there is room for the other two guys.
Another loaded pick up - this one with cane.
This morning before I got a chance to post we took off and drove up the hill to Tepic to do some grocery shopping. Went to Soriana instead of WalMart this time. Even found capers and veal. After we got home and put away the groceries we both settled down to read - and got so interested in  our books I didn't stop reading (Bill was sleeping!) until George knocked on the door wondering if we were okay.  And now it is time for dinner so guess I'll just post this and think about tomorrow.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm following your blog faithfully and enjoy it so much! Thank you for giving your readers the enjoyment of Mexico.
