Let’s see first things first
– What day is today? [check lower right corner of laptop screen] Ah it is
Thursday. Only two more days left in November. Today is wash Jennie, we’re
having it done we’re not doing it. Change oil in Jennie – again someone is
coming to park to do it. And we’ll do some cleaning inside and tighten all the
screws etc that came loose during the last couple of rough roads. Sometimes I
wonder how this poor thing manages to hold together.
Yesterday morning we went to
the beautiful big Mall here. Bill wanted to get a sign for the motorhome but
the sign maker wasn’t open yet (10:30 a.m.) so will have to go back. We were
going to go to the central area because Teresa needed to go to a Scotia bank
but while walking through the mall lo and behold there was a Scotia ATM there.
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every guy in the place turned around to look at the lady walking by - 4 inch heels on her |
Next stop Soriana – another nice big grocery store – first things first – ATM worked and we are now filthy rich – Well in Pesos it seems like it with all those zeros. But then you buy groceries and it is 434.00 you suddenly don’t feel so rich.
Spent the afternoon in Jennie waiting for the car wash people who didn’t make it. Waiting for them now too.
By 5:00 they weren’t here and it looked like the sunset might be nice so we took off to the beach to see it. It was pretty but not all that great.
The people in the background are vendors who have spent the day on the beach selling things. Now they are carrying their stuff back to their cars and trucks that were parked where we were standing. A couple of them had to make a couple of trips up the beach and back. Sure hope they sold enough to make it worth while.
I turned around as saw Bill talking to a couple of men. One was in the water and the other was on the sidewalk talking to Bill. Needed to check that out.
The one in the water was catching little shrimp with his bare hands.
The shrimp were about two inches long.
The one in the stripped shirt was using them to fish with. He was trying to catch dinner. He did catch one fish while we were there a catfish about eight or nine inches long. But he threw it back. He was trying to catch Lisa.
He also told us that sometimes in this water there are crocodiles about two meters long. Oh really? That must make the fancy hotel right next to it happy.
With the sun down it remained warm but a breeze had come up and it was nice out so we decided to have dinner in the Plazuela Machado. As we drove over there the lights in the city were just coming on. Pretty sight along the water.
In the Centro Historico we pulled into our favorite estacionamiento (parking lot) and the lady who owns it greeted us like long lost relatives. She calls Bill the American who speaks good Spanish. And she remembers Willie – at first his license plate confused her MVN ON 2 didn’t seem like a real plate to her.
We walked around the Plaza checking out any changes. Still as pretty as ever. One of the restaurants in the Plazuela.
I took this picture of the full moon over the plaza while Bill was being interview by a group of high school boys.
They had an assignment to interview some tourists. As they talked to Bill one used his cell phone to film and record the interview. Bill says their English was excellent. And he had a good time talking to them. [now I think about taking a picture of them!]
Went to Beach Burger to eat. Lots more hugs and welcomes. The lady who owns the place is always there keeping an eye on it but this year she has to do it from inside in a chair as she broke her foot a while ago. We both had one of our favorite meals Italian Chicken Salad. There was so much of it.
After dinner we walked around again went to check out a hotel that was being built when we were here last. It is finished now and pretty fancy. A boutique hotel. Then past the Theater all lit up.
As we were walking back to the car we passed the music school. One class was in full swing. Stopped and listened and watched through the window. This boy was really into his drums.
The weather was perfect for eating and strolling outside. Just warm enough with a slight breeze off the ocean. Ahhh Perfect. Good company, good food, good atmosphere and good weather. What more could we ask for.
The temperature difference between where we ate and the campground was 10 degrees cooler in the campground.
And that was yesterday. Bill is cooking breakfast and today awaits us.
the guys werent looking at her 4 inch heels! LOL Looks like a great place. Was Lisa the croc they were trying to catch?