Friday a.m.Stayed up late last night finishing a book by John Sanford – just started to reread his “Prey” series from the beginning. Then got up at 4:18 this a.m. In fact both of us got up and sat on the couch like lumps watching the news from Indy – ALERT no one was killed overnight! Made the mistake of going back to bed around 6a.m. – should never have done that – woke up with a headache and really didn’t feel like doing anything constructive.
After a gloomy start the sun came out and shone brightly the rest of the day. Thought about going down the hill a ways to see if I could find any mushrooms but it is still way too wet and the ground is pretty slick. And it is still really cold out – stayed cold all day.
Got some wallpaper border yesterday to put in the family room kind of like a chair rail. The couch and chair keep hitting the wall and chipping the paint. Will see how it works. Maybe I’ll try my bottle of 5 Hour Energy before I get started with it. I’ve only had the bottle since last summer – till now haven’t wanted 5 Hours worth of Energy.
Bill wants a web site for his leather/wood work – we are going to talk to a web builder next week to see how much it would cost – but have a feeling we will be doing it ourselves. After all it’s just a hobby not a job. Trying to figure out a way to incorporate it into the bead site and make that site all inclusive. Don’t know lots of work involved.
I wrote that first part yesterday then couldn’t get on line later in the day to publish it. So here it is now. Maybe more later.....
Yesterday ended up being sunny most of the day and the predicted rain for last night didn’t show up. And today is supposed to be nice.
Today is going to be mostly NASCAR watching for me. Lots of practice, qualifying and a race tonight.
And we are going to build our own web site for Bill’s “hobbies”…..worked on mock ups most of yesterday and drove me crazy. Things kept disappearing! Even entire pages! Grrrrrrr. I’ve forgotten so much since I built my pages.
Main Street Coffee
9 hours ago
Patience Carol...and I laugh as I say that! I know how frustrating all that computer stuff is. We had a few nice days and now we have rain. Need it bad though. I have been quilting most of the day, got a slight sinus headache, hate the change in weather. Good luck on getting your web page set up. Happy Mother's Day!