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Sunday, November 24, 2013

A day in Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico

Hummm. Got up this morning and turned the fire place on to take the chill off. The sun is out and there are not clouds in the sky. Maybe the no clouds is why it seemed to get colder overnight.
This is the campground we are in. Been coming here for years. But this year it is not as full as it usually is – maybe we are here too early. I just like the mural.
This is a really pretty area the Sea of Cortez on one side and rugged rock mountains/hills and desert on the other. Took a ride north of town and found an area [planted by a hotel I suspect] of huge cactus. They are so stately looking.
We took a ride down the road a few miles to Guaymas – it is a pretty big town and gets bigger every year. A view of the older downtown section from the harbor.
Parked downtown and walked over to the plaza and church to see if the repairs had been completed on the church. This is the 13 of July Plaza – the designer of the kiosk  - the gazebo – designed the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
A close look at one of the lights in the Plaza. Little dragons with wings.
It was severely damaged in a storm a few years ago and when we were here last year they were repairing it. Repairs complete and a Mass was going on. Very interesting – it was for children. Wish I’d thought to record the Priest when he was singing – what a beautiful voice and the acoustics were great. Unfortunately if you look in the upper right hand corner you can see new rain damage to the ceiling. The original church was built here 250 years ago. Has been rebuilt a couple of times.
One of the older buildings downtown. Now it houses Public Defenders.
A block further and we see the Municipal Palace built in 1899 – still looks good.
Noticed this but don’t know the why or where for of it. Seems to be on the rear of an apartment building. Colorful.
Couldn’t resist taking a picture of this advertisement on a health food place. Tells it all - apple vs chocolate.
We were driving along the water front and came to this fish vendor. He just bought the fish hanging in the plastic bag, from the guy on the bike. We asked him about it. It weighed 9 kilos – roughly 18 pounds and he would sell it for 36 Pesos – US$2.75. That’s a lot of fish for less than $3.00 – don’t remember what kind he said it was.
Before going home we stopped in WalMart – this is something you don’t see too often – a bride and groom in their wedding clothes shopping. Wonder if they needed something for the wedding or were already spending their wedding gifts. She was looking at bathing suits…honeymoon wear?
The produce looks great and smells so good. Red, orange, yellow and green peppers. The most expensive the yellows are about US$2.30 a pound. We weighed them you can get about five per pound. So that’s about 45 cents each.
A whole section of shelving of shelf stable milk. It is vacuum packed and doesn’t have to be refrigerated until it is opened. Great if you don’t have lots of refrigerator room.
And when was the last time you saw Tang – all kinds of flavors of it.
Heading towards home we passed this pickup truck. A comfortable seat for mom and grandma in the bed.
No more squeaks or groans from Willie and no red light lit up so guess he is happy.
Then last night we went to dinner at the restaurant right next to the RV park. It is on the top floor in the picture. 
We sat outside [by the satellite dish] so we could see the sunset but it didn’t turn out to be anything to write or take photos about.

Had a good meal. I had quesadilla – without chicken - and Bill had Chicken Cordon Bleu. 
This morning Bill is going to cook breakfast - yesterday in WalMart he bought some of his favorite Mexican sausage type stuff that he likes to put with scrambled eggs and veges. Yum. Don't know what we'll end up doing today. I have a few suggestions but.......


  1. I stayed at La Posada 30 years ago, when they built the first multistory tower. My favorite was La Playa del Cortez. I loved their lounge and cocktal bar. There was nothing at the Catch 22 site at the time, other than ruins from the film set. San Carlos had only 3 or 4 places to stay back then.

  2. Deja vu! We were there exactly a year ago AND we ate at the restaurant beside the RV Park too! We walked the beach though - tons of flies! The bride picture is the best yet! Jealous of your weather and cheap prices! Where next? Huatabampito I suppose.....

  3. Nice to see that you visited in Guaymas for a bit. The building downtown with the mural on it is not an apartment building, it is offices I believe.
    The church re-opened the inside for services in May I think, they were holding services outside during the re-construction of the church.
    Walmart is the most expensive place in town to buy groceries, most everything is cheaper elsewhere in town. I seldom go there; but we do enjoy their fresh buns.
    Enjoy your stay in our adopted home, (Guaymas). We have lived here for 8 yrs. now and still love it.

    1. we usually shop at Ley but like to check out the WalMarts too. Thanks for the info on the mural. Wish I could have got a good picture of the side of it too.
      Last year when we were here we saw that the church was having their services outside.
      The first time we were in Guaymas was in 1978 - hardly any town here then.

    2. I bet the town has changed since 1978, some for the better and some not.

  4. Just love that area there, we stayed at Totonaka for a week a few years ago. Have you been to the Soggy Peso Bar, a great out of the was place on the beach watching the Kite surfers in the bay.

  5. I love how vibrant this area sounds!
