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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Why we moved here in the first place

While living here in Brown County we've had a kind of love/hate relationship with the place. I hate that within the last week we've only had one day when the power didn't go out at least once and a couple of times twice a day. I'm surprised our computers have lived through it. And the TV. I won't miss that. The love part is easy to explain but the town paper put it wonderfully in this weeks edition I quote  -
"The hills, the hollers; the artists, the scoundrels: the bright colors of fall and spring; the lush, hushed green sanctuary of the woods in summer. Brown County has laid claim to the hearts and imaginations of generations with all that it has and is."
Coming home from breakfast we took the road going through the Beanblossom Covered Bridge. Built in the late 1800's.Watch for the little turtle crossing the road. 
Our time to leave is getting closer and closer. Went into the bank this morning to close one of our accounts and it turned into an emotional event. We got hugs all around when we left. That wouldn't happen in a big town. 
Bill went out to feed the fishies some bread yesterday and surprised to discover the turtle likes bread too. 

He is a big sucker. While out there I took a picture of our view. I will miss that. But won't miss the flies and mosquitoes. 

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