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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

On the Road Again

Getting ready to leave so just a quick update. As soon as the fog lifts that is. Did most of the putting away yesterday and the car is hooked so ….
We went out to Fat Fish for Ribs last night. Wonderful as usual. I only ate half of mine so I’ll have some for lunch or dinner today. Ha!
Our friends from La Noria, Roberto and his wife and sons came by to say good-bye but we were still out. They recognized Willie driving down the street so they caught up with us as we were making a last minute stop at a small grocery store. So we said our good byes in the parking lot. Great people.
Lots of rigs coming into the park for overnight stays on their way home. About eight of us will be leaving this morning.
Don’t know where we’ll end up tonight – an RV park or a Pemex. If it’s a Pemex we won’t have any electricity so any posting will be short and quick. Also running out of time on the Internet stick.
I think Bill really hates to leave here – I’m ready to be at home for a while.
So until later…..

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