Tuesday a.m.
Woke up to more rain and a bunch of big white trucks in the driveway and the street. What the heck? Had to go check. Oh, they are the tree trimmers for where the trees touch the power and telephone wires. Now they are busy cutting the trees back. Surprised how quiet they are.
When we go visit Alfie today think I’ll pick up the campground books so we can sort of plan our trip south this year. I know we never stick to plans – there’s that Recalculate thing again.
Off that subject – a couple years ago when we went to Gettysburg I picked up a t-shirt that has a picture of Civil War soldiers on it. Well I put it on yesterday and last night when I went in my bathroom about scared myself to death. I forgot that they glowed in the dark. As I shut the door before turning on the light – there they were in the mirror! Spooky.
Finished reading my first library book on the Nook – Will have to check today if they have anymore by that author – kind of cute story. Author is Kate Collins – she writes about a girl who owns a flower shop in Indiana and she can’t keep her nose out of other peoples business and always has someone chasing her.
Going over to RV doc now – got the news yesterday that there is a problem with Alfie.
Now *that* was a parade!
10 hours ago
uh oh, I hope it's not a "big" problem.