Thursday p.m.
We made it home with no problems. Left Alfie at the RV doc to get the spring in the awning fixed and one of the roof vents that is cracked and leaking. Pick him up sometime next week.
I thought I did a good job of getting out of the Alfa everything that needed to come home with us. Stuff from the frig and freezer, the laptops, phone, pills etc etc. Well I did pretty good – the only thing I forgot was my glasses. Dah! Good thing I have another pair, but they don't work real well whuile using the computer.
Took me a while to get the Internet here at home up and working. For some reason my computer kept blocking me. Finally got it though.
Rest of evening just going to sit and relax – tomorrow begins all the catching up. Have to call our mail order prescription place as The Driver’s pills are all messed up. First they email us that they can’t fill the new prescriptions, then they email us to fill them, so I do – on line, then the say they can’t fill them yet, then they mail us some of them. Don’t know what the heck is going on. Also somehow we’ve got to convince them to refill them early – before we take off to Mexico for the winter.
The trees are starting to change colors here in Brown County too.
Enough for now.
Now *that* was a parade!
10 hours ago
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