Another gloomy day but supposed to see some sunshine by afternoon. Need to go do the laundry in preparation for our trip next week. And run the vacuum some. Maybe even mop. Goodness so much unfun stuff needs doing.
#18 won the Nationwide race last night – his 8th win in that series for this year. Holds the all time record for most wins in the series and he only races it part time. Also has won 5 times in the trucks this year – also only racing it part time. But only 4 in the Cup series – but up till now that is one more than anyone else.
Going to go downstairs to my beading table and try to pick out some beads for another necklace I want to make so I can take them with us next week to work on. I know we’ll be doing a lot of waiting for the satellite guy and the guy that is going to wash and wax the motorhome.
We have a discussion going on here at home – about my blogs –plural-
I like doing one for here in IN and a different one for when we are traveling in Mexico – The Driver says I should only do one as it is confusing to keep up with them. My feeling is “Life in Brown County” has nothing to do with traveling in Mexico and “Mexico by Motorhome” has everything to do with traveling in Mexico. And it makes them easier to find using a search feature.
Afternoon now and it has finally cleared up and the sun came out a little, but hasn’t warmed up much.
Now its time to go watch the race from Richmond.
Now *that* was a parade!
10 hours ago
I have both your blogs bookmarked, and I know which one is current. That is, when you keep it current, haha. Glad to see you posting again. I know you're looking forward to getting back on the road.