Sunday a.m.
Just a reminder - clicking on the pictures will enlarge them
Cold again, heater kept coming on and going off all night.
About half of Alfie is waxed – he looks so handsome. But I have the feeling he will not be finished today. So we’ll be staying here longer. The Driver wants the Jeep washed and waxed too – another couple of days. The entire job is done by hand, no electric buffers.
Don’t know what we’ll do today as I want to watch the race at 2:00 – the first race of the NASCAR Chase.
So continue about yesterday. After we left Shipshewana we went to the Guggisberg Deutsch Käse Haus – a cheese factory.
They’ve been making cheese for over 30 years. Have over 40 different types of cheese.
It was later in the day Saturday so the production for the day was almost over. Had to look through glass into the production area.
We bought a couple different kinds of cheese and got some delicious Bread and Butter pickle chips. Yummmm and some Twizzlers in assorted flavors. Got to quit buying candy.
From there we head towards home. Passing many, many beautiful farms. All had beautiful flower gardens in front.
Passed through Middlebury again – these buggies were parked and the owners were at the Festival.
Passed the Jayco Plant. It employees 1500 people and is just one of many RV manufacturers. They give tours Mon – Thurs at noon.
Just another picture of one of the farms
Now this is what I call a neat pond.
A woman taking some machinery through the field. She is wearing her bonnet
Since the cold nights the trees have really started to turn. Everyday there is more and more color showing.
Through the town of Goshen – main street. It has historical rating.
Another Elk this one at the Court House.
Just past Goshen is a tourist site – The Bag Factory and it also has an Elk.
The buildings area around Bag Factory used to be the terminal for a trolley line and manufacturing facilities.
Again lots of flowers.
Interesting building and smoke stack.
There’s a café there and some shops. Wood working – some great looking furniture and a pottery place.
Inside was this big scale – the kind with the metal plate in the floor that you can step on or weight pallets on. I didn’t like it – it said I weigh way too much……
There is another quilt garden there too. A little info about this one.
The garden. Just can’t get good pictures of them.
From there we went home – The Driver is taking it easy and so far every thing has been fine. Today was warmer and not windy so his leg wasn’t even bothering him.
Later he tried to get his new kite up – but just as he got it ready the breeze stopped. Oh well another day.
Just a shot of Alfie with Joel – the washer/waxer guy.
And some of the flowers in the campground.
A small section of the campground near us.
And check out the size of this mushroom/toadstool. If you could eat it it would make a whole meal. There are all white ones almost this big too.
There is nothing on TV Sunday nights! With so many channels how can there not be anything?! Oh dear - Had to download another book.
Had salad for dinner using the delicious tomatoes we bought at the Festival. They taste so different from store bought. Don't keep as long though. Oops had to turn the refrig down, it is freezing the lettuce. You would think we were real newbee RVs. I think I'll try the washer/dryer later today - just to see if it works. We have to leave Alfie off at the RV doc on the way home to get the awning over the big slide fixed - needs a spring.
I checked out WordPress - Don't think I like it - but will keep exploring it. Still need a new name too.
Now *that* was a parade!
10 hours ago
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